Master of Science in Big Data in English at ENSAI

Dear partner,

ENSAI, the French National Graduate School for Statistics and Data Analysis, has been accredited to open a Master of Science in Big Data as of September 2015 and applications are currently being accepted. This program will be taught entirely in English. We think that this cutting-edge education might interest some of your students interested in becoming Data Scientists, a career in high demand worldwide.

We are offering students from all of our double degree partner institutions a 50% reduction in tuition. Candidates must have completed a minimum of 4 years of higher education – the equivalent of a Bachelor of Science or the first year of a Master of Science in either the fields of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, or Statistics.

You can find most relevant information about this program at the following links:

MSc Big Data:

Our website can be viewed entirely in English, and our updated, all-English brochure for an international audience is also available: