On the Long-Wave Approximation for the Euler-Poisson System

题目:On the Long-Wave Approximation for the Euler-Poisson System

报告人:杨雄锋 教授 (上海交通大学)

时间:2023年11月17日 (周五) 15:30-16:30


摘要:In this talk, I will present the study of the long wave approximation to the Euler-Poisson system of the ion-acoustic wave in cold plasma according to the spatial-temporal scale and the amplitude of waves. We first justify rigorously that in the long-wave limit, the one-way propagating solutions of the Euler-Poisson system are well approximated by the unidirectional solutions of the Burgers-or KdV equation with well-prepared initial data. We then demonstrate that the solutions could be convergent to two wave packets in opposite directions, where each wave packet involves independently as a solution of the  Burgers-or KdV equation. I will also discuss the long wave limit of Euler-Poisson system in multi-dimensions.

报告人介绍:杨雄锋,上海交通大学数学与科学学院教授,研究方向为偏微分方程。主要研究内容有: 动理学方程及其边界层问题的适定性,流体力学方程解的逐点性质以及耗散系统基本波的稳定性理论,这些内容都是偏微分方程基础理论研究中的重要课题。相关的文章发表在Adv. Math., Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. , Siam J. Math. Anal., J. Diff. Equations, Comm. Part. Diff. Eqns. 等重要数学期刊上。另外,报告人曾多次获得国家自然科学基金委资助,并在2011年获得上海市自然科学一等奖。

地点: 腾讯会议175687984 (会议密码382120)
