依赖于时间变化波动率的多因子HJM 模型的利率衍生产品的定价

报告人: Carl Chiarella

单位人: 澳大利亚, 悉尼技术大学, 金融与经济学院

题目: 依赖于时间变化波动率的多因子HJM 模型的利率衍生


时间: 周四(10月20日)下午3:30

地点: 数学系107.

报告摘要: We investigate the partial differential equation (PDE) for pricing interest derivatives in the multi-factor Cheyette Model, that involves time-dependent volatility functions with a special structure. The high dimensional parabolic PDE that results is solved numerically via a modified sparse grid approach, that turns out to be accurate and efficient. In addition we study the corresponding Monte Carlo simulation, which is fast since the distribution of the state variables can be calculated explicitly. The results obtained from both methodologies are compared to the analytical solution existing for bonds and caplets.

Keywords: Cheyette Model, Gaussian HJM, Multi-Factor Model, PDE Valuation, Sparse Grid, Monte Carlo Simulation
