Mathematical Modeling of Some Infectious Diseases in China

题目:Mathematical Modeling of Some Infectious Diseases in China

报告人:Shigui Ruan (University of Miami)

Abstract. The spread of many infectious diseases can be modeled by mathematical equations according to certain idealized physical laws. The physical laws are described in terms of parameters. The basic reproduction number (R0) is an important concept in studying the transmission and control of infectious diseases which is defined as the expected average number of secondary cases produced by an index case during its infectiousness period. Roughly speaking, a disease can be controlled or even can die out if R0<1; it spreads out or becomes endemic if R0>1. Mathematical modeling and analysis plays a crucial role in evaluating R0 in terms of model parameters and understanding the spread of the diseases. In this talk, we will introduce some basic epidemic models and some recent work on modeling hepatitis B virus, schistosomiasis, and rabies in China.

时间: 5月25日(星期五),下午3:30-4:30
