Integral quantization(s):Coherent States, Wigner-Weyl and More

题目: Integral quantization(s):Coherent States, Wigner-Weyl and More

报告人:Jean Pierre Gazeau 教授

(Astroparticules et Cosmologie,Université Paris Diderot)

时间: 2013年3月7日(周四)下午 4:30-5:30

地点: 数学系 致远楼107

摘要:Starting with the toy example of a star-shaped frame for the plane (e.g. sea star), we explain the powerful role operator-valued measure, and particularly coherent states (CS) can play in quantizing any set equipped with a measure. These integral quantizations are illustrated with the standard case involving the Weyl-Heisenberg group (yielding the canonical quantization), and with the case involving for affine group of the real line.