Nonlinear Stochastic Systems: Sliding Mode Design

题目: Nonlinear Stochastic Systems: Sliding Mode Design

报告人: 王子栋教授, 英国布鲁奈尔大学信息计算与数学学院终身教授

摘要: In this talk, we will first review the background of the sliding mode control (SMC) and justify the motivation for using SMC to solve the estimation/control problems for nonlinear stochastic systems. We will consider the following four cases: 1) SMC with randomly occurring nonlinearities and time-varying delays; 2) H-infinity SMC with stochastic nonlinearities and time-varying delays; 3) SMC with randomly occurring uncertainties, randomly occurring nonlinearities and mixed time-delays; and 4) SMC with mixed time-delays and Markovian jumping parameters. The main theme is the introduction of randomly occurring incomplete information into the SMC design. Both the theoretical research and engineering applications will be discussed, and a series of recently published results will be reported.

时间: 5月7日(周二)10:00

地点: 致远楼102

王子栋博士现任英国布鲁奈尔大学信息计算与数学学院终身教授。王子栋教授于1996年获得德国洪堡基金,1998年获得日本科学促进会基金,2002年获得香港大学威廉蒙基金。多年来从事控制理论(随机控制,鲁棒控制,非线性控制,模型简化)、信号处理、生物信息学方面的研究,在SCI刊物上发表国际论文二百余篇。现任或曾任十二种国际刊物的主编、副编辑或编委,包括IEEE自动控制汇刊副编缉;IEEE控制系统技术汇刊副编缉;IEEE神经网络汇刊副编缉; IEEE系统、人、与控制汇刊副编缉;IEEE信号处理汇刊副编缉等,并任英国皇家统计学会理事,旅英华人自动化及计算机协会主席。