Sampled-data design for robust control of a single qubit

题目: Sampled-data design for robust control of a single qubit

报告人: 董道毅博士, Research Associate at the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra, Australia.

摘要: This talk presents a sampled-data approach for the robust control of a single qubit (quantum bit). The required robustness is defined using a sliding mode domain and the control law is designed offline and then utilized online with a single qubit having bounded uncertainties. Two classes of uncertainties are considered including uncertainties in the system Hamiltonian and uncertainties in the coupling strength of the system-environment interaction. Four cases including the case without decoherence, and cases with amplitude damping decoherence, phase damping decoherence and depolarizing decoherence are analyzed in detail. Sampling periods are specifically designed for these cases to guarantee the required robustness. Two sufficient conditions are presented for guiding the design of unitary control for the case without decoherence and the case with amplitude damping decoherence, respectively. The proposed approach has potential applications in quantum error-correction and in constructing robust quantum gates.

时间: 6月27日(周四)15:30

地点: 致远楼102
