Financial market activity of ‘short-selling’



Financial market activity of ‘short-selling’


Professor James Clunie(Honorary Professor at the University of Edinburgh, UK)


Short-selling is important in asset–pricing and was legalized in China a few years ago. This topic would primarily suit a finance audience (post-graduates, staff and under-graduates) but might be of interest to staff and students from other disciplines too.

时间: 2014年3月15日星期五上午10:00-11:00

地点: 致远楼 102室


Professor James Clunie got undergraduate degree is in Mathematics and Statistics and PhD is in Management (specifically, 'Indirect Constraints on Short-selling' - a finance and investment topic). He hold the Chartered Financial Analyst qualification and am a member of the UK Advisory Council of the CFA Institute.

He worked at the University of Edinburgh as a Senior Lecturer in Finance from 2003-2007 and set up the Masters program in Finance and Investment at that University in 2004. As well as lecturing in Edinburgh, he have taught a course at South Western University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu, and given a guest lecture at Nottingham Ningbo University in the past.