A logical approach to solvable games

: 2014年4月25日下午4:30-5:30

: 致远楼107教室

报告人: 日本开放大学川中宣明教授

A logical approach to solvable games

: A 2-person game with complete solution is rather rare. Well-known examples

include Nim and its variations. C. P. Welter,

in 1954, and M. Sato, in 1970, independently discovered a new solvable game, which we

call Sato-Welter game. In 1976, J. C. Conway, in his famous book “On Numbers and Games”, gave an exposition of the fundamental theorem of Sato-Welter game, and wrote “The full theory is surprisingly complex”. In this talk, following a logical approach, we show that this game is, in fact, a member of a large class of solvable 2-person games, which has a simple theory.