Hand Gesture Recognition and Application


Hand Gesture Recognition and Application

报告人: 王加存教授, 蒙莫斯大学,美国

摘要: Gesture recognition allows users to communicate with the machines more naturally without any mechanical devices such as keyboards or mouse. It can be conducted with techniques fromcomputer visionandimage processing. Input devices include wired gloves, stereo cameras and controller-based gestures. Leap Motion Controller is a new device that is capable of tracking all ten of one’s fingers individually and handling movements with high speed and accuracy. This presentation will introduce gesture recognition algorithms, challenges and potential applications. Leap Motion Controller based hand gesture applications will be demonstrated.

时间: 9月16日(周二) 下午4:45

地点: 致远楼102



王加存,男,1963年生。美国新泽西蒙莫斯大学计算机科学与软件工程系主任,终身教授。著有<<Timed Petri Nets: Theory and Application>>, Kluwer Academics Publishers, 1998, <<Handbook of Finite States Based Models and Applications>>, CRC Press, 2012。发表论文70余篇。 国际智能控制与系统学报副主编, 国际离散事件系统与控制学报副主编。曾任IEEE 系统,人与控制学报副主编,IEEE 新泽西海岸分部学生工作委员会主席,蒙莫斯大学教授会理事。