On Subadditivity of Kodaira dimension on a positive characteristic field


题目: On Subadditivity of Kodaira dimension on a positive characteristic field

报告人: 陈亦飞 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院(助理研究员)

摘要: For a fibration f: X → Z over the filed of complex numbers, Iitaka conjectures κ(X) ≥ κ(Z) + κ(F), where F is the geometric generic fiber of f and κ denotes the Kodaira dimension. The conjecture is usually denoted by Cn,m, n=dim X, m=dim Z. We will introduce the progress of the conjecture on a positive characteristic field, including the recent results of Cn,n-1 and C3,1 on a positive characteristic field. These are joint work with Lei Zhang and Caucher Birkar.

时间: 12月17日上午09:00~10:00;

地点: 致远楼102室
