
学 术 报 告


Demand-side Energy Simulation, Assessment and Optimization

报告人: 王加存教授, 蒙莫斯大学,美国

摘要: As utility companies use various mechanisms of Demand Side Management (DSM) to regulate and modify consumer demand for energy, manufacturing plants also look for ways to improve the quality/cost ratio by saving energy cost. Several approaches are available for a plant to save energy, one of which is to reschedule the operation hours of electrical devices and take advantage of incentives and favorable pricing offered by utilities. This paper attempts to develop a load optimization model for plants to minimize the cost incurred by energy consumption. Many practical factors are considered in the model, such as electrical device clustering, night schedule extra labor charge, devices with fixed operation schedules, etc. A discussion of solutions to the optimization model is presented. An online tool for energy assessment and load optimization is also briefly introduced.

时间: 3月21日(周六) 上午9:30

地点: 致远楼102



王加存,男,1963年生。美国新泽西蒙莫斯大学计算机科学与软件工程系主任,终身教授。著有<<Timed Petri Nets: Theory and Application>>, Kluwer Academics Publishers, 1998, <<Handbook of Finite States Based Models and Applications>>, CRC Press, 2012。发表论文70余篇。 国际智能控制与系统学报副主编, 国际离散事件系统与控制学报副主编。曾任IEEE 系统,人与控制学报副主编,IEEE 新泽西海岸分部学生工作委员会主席,蒙莫斯大学教授会理事。