On the transversality of triple intersections of Schubert varieties


题目: On the transversality of triple intersections of Schubert varieties

报告人: 李长征(IBS Center for Geometry and Physics, Korea)

摘要:The cohomology ring of a complex Grassmannian has an additive basis of Schubert cohomology classes. The well-known Littlewood-Richardson rule gives a manifestly positive formula of the structure constants in the cup product of Schubert classes, which count the intersection number of the corresponding Schubert varieties in general position. In this talk, we will discuss how special the general position could be, provided that one given Schubert variety is a divisor. This is my joint work with DongSeon Hwang, Hwayoung Lee and Jae-Hyouk Lee.

地点: 致远楼108

时间: 2015年10月26日10:00-11:00
