Point-spread function reconstruction in ground-based astronomy

学 术 报 告

题目:Point-spread function reconstruction in ground-based astronomy

报告人陈汉夫(Raymond Hon-fu Chan)教授(Raymond Hon-fu Chan, Choh-Ming Li Chair Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong。 1980年毕业于香港中文大学, 1985年于美国纽约大学克朗研究所(Courant Institute)获得博士学位。 陈教授是著名计算数专家, SIAM Fellow(2013) , World Innovation Foundation Fellow(2004), 冯康科学计算奖(1997), Leslie Fox数值分析奖(1989)等奖项获得者。 世界数学领域论文引用率最高的250人之一(2004年数据)。 陈教授与著名数学家丘成桐教授在香港创办了Asia Journal of Mathematics并担任主编。 同时,他还是SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences,SIAM Journal on Scientific computing

Journal of Scientific Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Advances in Computational Mathematics, International Journal of High Speed Computing, Advances in Decision Sciences, Computing Reviews, Advances in Numerical Analysis, Advances in Computational Mathematics, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, Journal of Mathematical Finance等20余个学术期刊的编委。 他发表百余篇高水平学术论文, 并曾应邀于20多个国家作了超过100次的大会邀请报告。)



摘要:Because of atmospheric turbulence, images of objects in outer space acquired via ground-based telescopes are usually blurry. One way to estimate the blurring kernel or point spread function (PSF) is to make use of the aberration of wavefronts received at the telescope, i.e., the phase. However only the low-resolution wavefront gradients can be collected by wavefront sensors. In this talk, I will discuss how to use regularization methods to reconstruct high-resolution phase gradients and then use them to recover the phase and the PSF in high accuracy. I will talk about how the related application of high-resolution image reconstruction.
