Flocking, flocking bifurcation and flocking switches in a two-agent flock with processing delay

学 术 报 告

报告人:王林 教授

University of New Brunswick, Canada

题目: Flocking, flocking bifurcation and flocking switches in a two-agent flock with processing delay

时间:12 月 10日(星期四),上午 9:30-10:30



In this talk, I will present some necessary and sufficient conditions are established for a two-agent flock model with processing delay to admit a time-asymptotic flocking. The results provide a relation based on which proper initial positions and velocities can be selected to form a flocking with predetermined position displacement distance. It is shown that the processing delay can terminate a flocking, can induce a flocking and can lead to a flocking bifurcation resulting a periodic flocking. It is also shown that the processing delay can induce flocking switches in the sense that as the processing delay varies, the flocking may follow a switching pattern as no flocking-flocking-periodic flocking-flocking-divergence. The talk is based on an ongoing project with Xiao Wang and Jianhong Wu (York University)