Cyclic Workflow Resource Requirement Analysis and Application in Healthcare

題目: Cyclic Workflow Resource Requirement Analysis and Application in Healthcare

报告人: 王加存教授, 蒙莫斯大学,美国

摘要: Resource-oriented workflow nets are an efficient formalism in modeling workflows and analyzing their resource requirements. Resource requirements analysis for general workflows can be done through reachability analysis. For a class of well-structured acyclic workflows, a fast resource analysis algorithm has been developed. For workflows with loop structures, an approach to converting a cyclic workflow into an equivalent acyclic workflow in terms of maximum resource requirements and net resource consumption will be introduced in this presentation. A case study on healthcare workflow resource analysis will also be discussed.

时间: 3月30日(周二) 上午9:40

地点: 致远楼102



王加存,博士,美国新泽西蒙莫斯大学计算机科学与软件工程系终身教授。著有<<Timed Petri Nets: Theory and Application>>, Kluwer Academics Publishers, 1998, <<Handbook of Finite States Based Models and Applications>>, CRC Press, 2012。发表论文70余篇。 国际智能控制与系统学报副主编, 国际离散事件系统与控制学报副主编,IEEE 系统,人与控制学会组织与计划委员会秘书。曾任IEEE 系统,人与控制学报副主编,IEEE 新泽西海岸分部学生工作委员会主席,蒙莫斯大学教授会理事。