Contributions of Demography and Effect of Stochastic Dispersal to the Invasion of the Green Crab Along the Northwest Coast of the Atlantic

题目:Contributions of Demography and Effect of Stochastic Dispersal to the Invasion of the Green Crab Along the Northwest Coast of the Atlantic

报告人:王林 教授 (University of New Brunswick,Canada)

时间:7月28日(星期四),下午 2:30-3:30



Spreading speed theory provides a mathematical tool to analyze the demography and dispersal of invasive species. Based on biological records, the secondary spread of the European green crab, Carcinus maenas, has maintained a relatively consistent rate of advance for over 120 years covering a wide range of temperate latitudes and local hydrological environments along the Atlantic coast of North America. We analyzed presence/absence data for recently established green crab populations, empirically estimated the crab’s spread rate, and employed a discrete-time model to investigate the relationship between the spreading speed and demography and dispersal parameters. The model couples a matrix population model for population growth with integrodifference equations for dispersal. Hydrodynamically-driven dispersal, predominantly larval dispersal, is assumed in our model and estimated by a hydrodynamics model through particle tracking. We investigate the effect of using the year-to-year dispersal on the invasion wave speed and compare our results with the pooled dispersal. We show that how the good-year bad-year scenario can be incorporated in the model and is more realistic than pooling all dispersal kernels together in the sense that it can capture the forward spread.
