Euler Sums and Multiple Zeta Values

题目: Euler Sums and Multiple Zeta Values

报告人: 徐策(厦门大学)

摘要: Historically, the k-fold Euler/Zagier sums has attracted specialists and nonspecialists alike with its lovely evaluations. Much the same can be said for multiple zeta (or zeta star) values (or multiple harmonic sums), which, within the past decade, have arisen in combinatorics, knot theory and high-energy physics. More recently, by using the method of multiple integral representations of series, we establish some expressions of series involving classical harmonic numbers and multiple zeta values. Furthermore, we can obtain some closed form representations of sums of products harmonic numbers (also called nonlinear Euler sums). A relation between multiple zeta values and multiple zeta star values is also given.

地点: 致远楼107室

时间: 2016年9月14日 14:00-15:00
