Interpolated Q-analogue of Multiple Zeta Values

题目: Interpolated Q-analogue of Multiple Zeta Values

报告人: 若林德子(立命馆大学)

摘要: We know at least two ways to generalize multiple zeta(-star) values (MZ(S)Vs) which are q-analogue and t-interpolation. The q-analogue of MZVs was introduced by Bradley (2005), Zhao(2007), etc. On the other hand, polynomials interpolating MZVs and MZSVs using a parameter t were introduced by Yamamoto (2013). In this talk, we consider such two generalizations at the same time, that is, we compose polynomials interpolating q-MZVs and q-MZSVs using a parameter t which are reduced to q-MZVs as t=0 and t-MZVs as q to 1. Then we introduce algebraic setup and some relations for this new MZVs.

地点: 致远楼107室

时间: 2016年9月14日 10:15-11:15
