Dar's Conjecture and the Logarithmic Minkowski Problem

题目: Dar's Conjecture and the Logarithmic Minkowski Problem

报告人: 席东盟博士(上海大学数学系)

地点: 致远楼102室

时间: 2016年10月14日 9:15-10:15

摘要: In 1999, Dar conjectured that there is a stronger version of the celebrated Brunn-Minkowski inequality. However, as pointed out by Campi, Gardner, and Gronchi in 2011, this problem seems to be open even for planar o-symmetric convex bodies. In this talk, we give a positive answer to Dar's conjecture for all planar convex bodies. Besides, we will introduce the development of the logarithmic Minkowski problem. Finally, the connection of these two problems and related results will be shown.
