Dispersal Heterogeniety and the Spreading Speeds of Marine Invasions

题目: Dispersal Heterogeniety and the Spreading Speeds of Marine Invasions

报告人:Professor James Watmough (University of New Brunswick, Canada)

时间:11月28日(星期一),下午 3:00-4:00


James Watmough教授的简介:加拿大University of New Brunswick教授,大西洋传染病研究中心主任。主要从事微分动力系统和生物数学的研究,取得了一系列被国际同行广泛关注和引用的研究成果,已发表SCI论文50余篇,被SCI他引近4000余次。2002年在Mathematical Biosciences 上系统的给出关于基本再生数的算法,被SCI他引2000余次,多个SCI杂志的副主编。


We propose a structured integro-difference equation model for an invasive marine species with a pelagic larval stage and examine the role of dispersal heterogeniety on the spreading speed. The spread of the green crab up the northwest coast of the Atlantic is used as a case study. We find that the relationship between spreading speed and demographic and dispersal parameters is similar to the relationship found in Fisher's equation. We also find that temporal variation in dispersal results in a faster spread rate

than predicted by a time-averaged dispersal kernel. This is joint work with Lin Wang, Myriam Barbeau and Ali Gharouni.
