Symmetric Structure for the Endomorphisms of Projective-injective Modules in Parabolic BGG Category O

题目:Symmetric Structure for the Endomorphisms of Projective-injective Modules in Parabolic BGG Category O


时间:2017年1月9日 16:00-17:00


摘要:For any singular dominant integral weight $/lambda$ of a complex simple Lie algebra $/mathfrak{g}$, we show that all the indecomposable projective-injective modules in any fixed block of $/mathcal{O}_/lambda^/mathfrak{p}$ have the same Loewy lengths and the endomorphism of any projective-injective module in $/mathcal{O}^/mathfrak{p}_/lambda$ has a symmetric algebra structure, and it is equipped with a homogeneous non-degenerate associative bilinear form of degree equal to one minus that common Loewy length. This generalizes earlier work of Mazorchuk and Stroppel and confirms a conjecture of Khovanov. This talk is based on a joint work with Ngau Lam.
