A Two-component Generalization of the Degasperis-Precesi Equation and Its Short Wave Limit

题目:A Two-component Generalization of the Degasperis-Precesi Equation and Its Short Wave Limit

报告人: 冯宝峰 教授 (美国德克萨斯大学大河谷分校)

地点: 致远楼107室

时间:2016年1月11日 (周三)15:30-17:3 0

摘 要

We proposed a two-component generalization of the the Degasperis-Precesi equation. Firstly, under a pseudo 3-reduction, we have shown that the two-component reduced Ostrovsky equation can be reduced from an extended BKP hierarchy through a hodograph transformation. Its bilinear form and N-soliton solution in terms of pfaffians are constructed. One- and two-soliton solutions are presented. Moreover, we give a two-component generalization of the Degasperis-Precesi equation its Lax pair.
