DR-indecomposible of Some Semi-stable Reduction over the Witt Ring

题目:DR-indecomposible of Some Semi-stable Reduction over the Witt Ring

报告人:申屠钧超 博士 (上海数学中心)



【摘要】In this talk I will introduce Deligne-Illusie's algebraic proof of the Kodaira vanishing theorem and the E1 degeneracy theorem of the Hodge-de Rham spectral sequence. The decomposition theorem of Deligne-Illusie is the key to the proof mentioned. To understanding the Hodge theory of degenerated varieties over a positive characteristic field, Illusie posts a problem of decomposability of the log de Rham complex in the case of semistable reduction. We give a geometrical characterization of this problem and construct negative answers to Illusie's problem in any dimension larger than one and in any positive characteristics. This is a joint work with Mao Sheng.
