Multiplication Formulas and Semisimplicity for q-Schur Superalgebras

题目:Multiplication Formulas and Semisimplicity for q-Schur Superalgebras

报告人:杜杰 教授 (University of New South Wales,Australia)

Abstract: By investigating products of certain double cosets for the symmetric group, we derive some multiplication formulas for the q-Schur superalgebras. This gives a combinatorialisation of the relative norm approach developed in an earlier work by Du and Gu. We then give several applications of the multiplication formulas, including the matrix representation of the regular representation and a semisimplicity criterion for q-Schur superalgebras. We also construct infinitesimal and little q-Schur superalgebras directly from the multiplication formulas and develop their semisimplicity criteria.

时间:2017年6月30日 16:00-17:00

