High Dimensional Steady Ricci Solitons with Linear Curvature Dacay

题目:High Dimensional Steady Ricci Solitons with Linear Curvature Dacay

报告人:邓宇星 (北京理工大学)


时间:2017年12月7日 星期四 下午15:00-16:00

摘要:In this talk, we will talk about the rotational symmetry of gradient steady ricci solitons with linear dacay. Perelmann conjectured that any 3-d nonflat noncollapsed steady ricci solitons must be rotationally symmetric. This conjecture has been solved by Brendle aroung 2012. Recently, we generalize this result to noncollapsed steady ricci solitons with nonnegative curvature operator in high dimensions in addition that the scalar curvature has linear decay. This is a joint work with Prof. Xiaohua Zhu.