Global Dynamics of Quasi-homogeneous Systems

题目:Global Dynamics of Quasi-homogeneous Systems

报告人:唐异垒 副教授(上海交通大学)


时间:12月9日(星期六),上午 9:00-10:00

个人简介: 唐异垒,2005年获四川大学博士学位。先后访问了Plymouth University和University of Maribor,至2007年起任职上海交通大学,主要研究微分方程与动力系统,主要研究成果分别发表在Journal of Differential Equations, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Nonlinearity, Journal of Mathematical Biology等高水平SCI期刊上。


In this talk we provide a new method to study global dynamics of planar quasi homogeneous differential systems. We first prove that all planar quasi-homogeneous polynomial differential systems can be translated into homogeneous differential systems and show that all quintic quasi-homogeneous but non-homogeneous systems can be reduced to four homogeneous ones. Then we present some properties of homogeneous systems, which can be used to discuss the dynamics of quasi-homogeneous systems.

Finally we characterize the global topological phase portraits of quantic quasi homogeneous but non-homogeneous differential systems.
