The Planar Dual Minkowski Problem

题目:The Planar Dual Minkowski Problem

报告人:Qi-Rui Li (The Australian National University)

地点:瑞安楼 609 教室

时间:2018年01月05日 09:30-10:30

摘要:In this talk, we consider the dual Minkowski problem, proposed by Huang-Lutwak-Yang-Zhang (Acta 2016), for the planar case and the index $q>0$, without any symmetry assumptions. If the prescribed measure has a density which is bounded between two positive constants, we show the existence of solutions to the problem. If the density is smooth, we show the smoothness of the solutions. Some other applications of our method will also be discussed. This is a joint work with Dr. Shibing Chen.
