On the Polar Orlicz-Minkowski Problems and the P-Capacitary Orlicz-Petty Bodies

题目:On the Polar Orlicz-Minkowski Problems and the P-Capacitary Orlicz-Petty Bodies

报告人:朱保成 (湖北民族学院)

地点:瑞安楼 205 室

时间:2018年04月13日 10:15-11:15

摘要:We will talk about the polar Orlicz-Minkowski problems: under what conditions on a nonzero finite measure and a continuous function there exists a convex body such that is an optimizer of the following optimization problems: .The solvability of the polar Orlicz-Minkowski problems is discussed under different conditions. In particular, under certain conditions on , the existence of a solution is proved for a nonzero finite measure on unit sphere which is not concentrated on any hemisphere of . Another part of this paper deals with the p-capacitary Orlicz-Petty bodies. In particular, the existence of the p-capacitary Orlicz-Petty bodies is established and the continuity of the p-capacitary Orlicz-Petty bodies is proved.
