Inverse Problem in Medical Imaging and Beyond

题目:Inverse Problem in Medical Imaging and Beyond

报告人:Ph.D Choi Jae Kyu (上海交通大学)


时间:4月18日 9:30

摘要:Medical imaging is the technique and process of visualizing the anatomy of a body for clinical analysis and medical intervention, as well as the function of some organs and tissues. However, the reconstructed image in general suffers from the severe artifacts due to the ill posed nature of underlying inverse problem. In this talk, I will briefly introduce some related topics in the inverse problem in medical imaging based on my works. One is the mathematical analysis of the inverse problem in quantitative susceptibility mapping to present the existence and uniqueness, and to characterize the streaking artifacts due to the ill posed nature of the inverse problem. The other is the edge driven wavelet frame based image restoration model which is designed to restore/enhance the key features in a given image.
