Threshold Dynamics of a Partially Degenerate Viral Infection Model with Spatial Heterogeneity

题目:Threshold Dynamics of a Partially Degenerate Viral Infection Model with Spatial Heterogeneity

报告人:Prof. Xiang-sheng Wang(University of Louisiana)


时间:5月13日(星期日)上午 9:00-10:00

摘要:We study a general viral infection model with spatial diffusion in virus and two types of infection mechanisms: cell-free and cell-to-cell transmissions. The model is a partially degenerate reaction-diffusion system, whose solution map is not compact. We identify the basic reproduction number and explore its properties when the virus diffusion parameter varies from zero to infinity. Moreover, we demonstrate that the basic reproduction number is a threshold parameter for the global dynamics of our model system: the infection and virus will be cleared out if the basic reproduction number is no more than one. On the other hand, if this threshold parameter is bigger than one, the infection persists and the model admits a unique positive infection steady state which is globally attractive. Numerical simulation supports our theoretical results and suggests an interesting phenomenon: boundary layer and internal layer may occur when the diffusion parameter tends to zero.

Xiangsheng Wang,美国University of Louisiana大学助理教授,主要研究渐近分析、计算数学、微分动力系统和生物数学。迄今为止已在Journal of Differential Equations、SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations、Journal of Theoretical Biology、Physics Review E、Proceedings of American Mathematical Society、Statistica Sinica等国际期刊上发表学术论文三十余篇。
