Dirichlet Problem for a Delayed Diffusive Hematopoiesis Model

题目:Dirichlet Problem for a Delayed Diffusive Hematopoiesis Model

报告人:Prof. Xiang-sheng Wang(University of Louisiana


时间:5月13日(星期日)上午 10:30-11:30

摘要: We study the dynamics of a delayed diffusive hematopoiesis model with two types of Dirichlet boundary conditions. For the model with a zero Dirichlet boundary condition, we establish global stability of the trivial equilibrium under certain conditions, and use the phase plane method to prove the existence and uniqueness of a positive spatially heterogeneous steady state. We further obtain delay-independent as well as delay dependent conditions for the local stability of this steady state. For the model with a non-zero Dirichlet boundary condition, we show that the only positive steady state is a constant solution. Results for the local stability of the constant solution are also provided. By using the delay as a bifurcation parameter, we show that the model has infinite number of Hopf bifurcation values and the global Hopf branches bifurcated from these values are unbounded, which indicates the global existence of periodic solutions.

Xiangsheng Wang,美国University of Louisiana大学助理教授,主要研究渐近分析、计算数学、微分动力系统和生物数学。迄今为止已在Journal of Differential Equations、SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations、Journal of Theoretical Biology、Physics Review E、Proceedings of American Mathematical Society、Statistica Sinica等国际期刊上发表学术论文三十余篇。
