On the Existence of Positive Scalar Curvature on Small Covers and Real Moment-Angle Manifolds

题目:On the Existence of Positive Scalar Curvature on Small Covers and Real Moment-Angle Manifolds

报告人:于立 教授(南京大学 数学系)


时间:2018年6月15日 14:50-15:50

摘要:We study small covers and the real moment-angle manifold over a simple polytope that admit Riemannian metrics of positive scalar curvature. We first explain some general facts on the existence of positive scalar curvature on a smooth manifold.Then we show a class of simple polytopes over which the small covers and the real moment-angle manifolds

admit metrics of positive scalar curvature.In particular, these examples give all the 3-dimensional small covers that admit metrics of positive scalar curvature.
