Singularities of the Ricci flow and Ricci Solitons

题目:Singularities of the Ricci flow and Ricci Solitons

报告人:曹怀东 教授(美国Lehigh大学 )

时间:2018年11月16日 15:00 — 16:00


摘要:The Ricci flow, introduced by R. Hamilton in 1982, evolves the initial geometry of a given space by the parabolic Einstein equation. One of the most important issues in the study of the Ricci flow is to understand the formation of singularities. It turns out generic singularities of the Ricci flow are essentially modeled by Ricci solitons. In this talk, I will discuss the phenomena of singularity formation in the Ricci flow and present some recent progress on Ricci solitons.
