τ-Tilting Finiteness of Two-Point Algebras

题目:τ-Tilting Finiteness of Two-Point Algebras
报告人:Qi Wang (Osaka University)
地点: 致远楼108室
时间: 2019年3月19日 4:00pm —5:00pm
Abstract: τ-tilting theory was introduced by Adachi, Iyama and Reiten, which completes the classical tilting theory from the viewpoint of mutation. They constructed a class of Λ modules named (support) τ-tilting modules, where Λ is a finite dimensional basic algebra over an algebraically closed field. We call Λ a τ-tilting finite algebra if there are finitely many isomorphism classes of basic τ-tilting Λ-modules. In this talk, we explain τ-tilting theory by discussing the τ-tilting finiteness of two-point algebras. More precisely ,we will show the poset structure on the set of support τ-tilting modules, the bijection between support τ-tilting modules and two-term silting complexes, etc,.
