Mckay-Slodowy Correspondence, Poincare Series and Exponents of Affine Lie Algebras

题目:Mckay-Slodowy Correspondence, Poincare Series and Exponents of Affine Lie Algebras

报告人:景乃桓 教授 (上海大学)


时间:2019年5月10日 15:30-16:30

摘要: In his famous work on resolution of singularities, Slodowy pointed out that the McKay correspondence could be generalized to all affine Dynkin diagrams and showed this for most of the cases. We will first thoroughly explain the McKay-Slodowy correspondence using finite group theory, including the missing cases of A_{2n}^{(2)} and A_2^{(2)} in the literature. After the McKay-Slodowy correspondence is firmly established, we then show that the Poincare series for the tensor algebra of the induction and restriction of the fundamental modules realize all exponents of affine Lie algebras except A_{2n}^{(1)}. This is joint work with Danxia Wang and Honglian Zhang.
