The Dual Minkowski Problem for Symmetric Convex Bodies

题目:The Dual Minkowski Problem for Symmetric Convex Bodies

报告人:Zhao Yiming C.L.E. moore instructor(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

地点:致远楼 101 室

时间:2019 年 06 月04 日 10:00-11:00

摘要:The dual Minkowski problem asks for the necessary and sufficient conditions on a given measure $/mu$ so that it can be realized as the dual curvature measure of a convex body. Just like the classical Minkowski problem, the dual Minkowski problem reduces to Monge-Ampere type equation. However, in this talk, we shall solve the dual Minkowski problem for $o$-symmetric convex bodies directly for measures using variation of calculus. The solution is closely connected to a measure concentration condition.
