Error Correlation Schemes for Fully Correlated Quantum Channels Protecting Both Quantum and Classical Information

题目:Error Correlation Schemes for Fully Correlated Quantum Channels Protecting Both Quantum and Classical Information

报告人: Prof. Chi-Kwong Li (Department of Mathematics, College of William and Mary; Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo)



摘要:We study efficient quantum error correction schemes for the fully correlated channel on an n-qubit system with error operators that assume the form . In particular, when is odd, we have a quantum error correction scheme using one arbitrary qubit to protect the data state in the -qubit system. When is even, we have a hybrid quantum error correction scheme that protects a -qubit state and 2-classical bits. The scheme was implemented using Matlab, Mathematica and the IBM's quantum computing framework qiskit.

Note: Problems and results will be described in terms of elementary matrix theory. No quantum mechanics background is needed.

Co-authors: Seth Lyles, and Yiu-Tung Poon

Chi-Kwong Li received his mathematics BA and PhD degrees from The University of Hong Kong. He is currently the Ferguson Professor of Mathematics at the College of William and Mary, an affiliate member of the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo. He is an honorary professor of the Shanghai University, a Co-Director of the "International Research Center for Tensor and Matrix Analysis", a Scientific Advisory Board member of the "Applied Algebra and Optimization Research Center (AORC)". He has received many awards in research and teaching including 2015 JMAA Ames Awards for a recent paper in the Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, the 2011 Fulbright Award, 2009 William and Mary Plumeri Award for Faculty Excellence, 2008 William and Mary Simon Teaching Prize, 2004 Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award.

His research interest is on matrix, operator theory and their applications, and he has been focusing on quantum information science in recent years. He has published more than 300 research articles. He is on the editorial boards of linear and Multilinear Algebra (chief editor), Operators and Matrices (chief editor), "Linear Algebra and its Applications" (senior editor), and "INVOLVE -A Journal of Mathematics".
