On the Farrell-Jones Conjecture

题目:On the Farrell-Jones Conjecture

报告人:伍晓磊 博士(Bonn University)


时间:2019年6月11日 19:00-21:00

摘要:Farrell-Jones Conjecture plays an important role in manifold topology. It implies for example the Borel Conjecture and the Novikov Conjecture. In the first part of this talk I will give an overview of the conjecture with special emphasis on the K-theory version. I will first give an gentle introduction to algebraic K-theory and discuss the connections with manifold topology. We then formulate the conjecture and discuss the status of it. In the second part of the talk, I will discuss some methods that can be used to prove the conjecture. If time permits, I will also discuss some of my recent work.
