Abundance Of Irreducible Tensor Product of Linear Operators

题目:Abundance Of Irreducible Tensor Product of Linear Operators

报告人:Prof. Caixing Gu (California Polytechnic State University)


时间:2019年6月19日 9:00-10:00

摘要:The subspace of symmetric tensors and the subspace of anti-symmetric tensors are two natural reducing subspaces of tensor product A⊗I+I⊗A and A⊗A for any bounded linear operator A on a complex separable Hilbert space H. We show the set of operators A such that these two subspaces are the only (nontrivial) reducing subspaces of A⊗I+I⊗A is a dense G_δ set in B(H). This generalizes Halmos’s theorem that the set of irreducible operators is a dense G_δ set in B(H). The same question for A⊗A is still open.
