Ymmetric Minimal Surfaces in S^3 as Conformally-Constrained Willmore Minimizers in S^n

题目:Ymmetric Minimal Surfaces in S^3 as Conformally-Constrained Willmore Minimizers in S^n

报告人:王鹏 教授 (福建师范大学)


时间:2019年07月16日 10:00-11:00

摘要:The Willmore conjecture states that the Clifford torus minimizes uniquely the Willmore energy /int (H^2+1) dM among all tori in S^3, which is solved recently by Marques and Neves in 2012. For higher genus surfaces, it was conjectured by Kusner that the Lawson minimal surface, /xi_{m,1}: M-->S^3, minimizes uniquely among all genus m surfaces in S^n. The conjecture reduces to the Willmore conjecture for tori if m=1, since /xi_{1,1} is the Clifford torus. In this talk, we will prove this conjecture under the assumption that the (conformal) surfaces in S^n have the same conformal structure as /xi_{m,1}.
