Some Progress on Studying Dynamical Systems beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity

题目:Some Progress on Studying Dynamical Systems beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity

报告人:田学廷 教授 (复旦大学)



摘要:The study of Dynamical Systems is mainly concerned with orbit structure, specifically long term or asymptotic behavior, for maps or flows. Uniformly Hyperbolic systems are standard examples of complex or chaotic systems. However, uniformly hyperbolic systems are not dense in the space of all dynamical systems. After that people tried to know the world beyond uniform hyperbolicity for which there are many open questions proposed by Bowen, Palis etc. In this talk we will introduce some progress on Bowen's one question to search specification-like properties and statistical properties and Palis SRB conjecture to search the existence of SRB measures.
