题目:Rigidity of Center Lyapunov Exponents and Su-Integrability
报告人:史逸 研究员(北京大学)
摘要: Let f be a conservative partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism which is homotopic to an Anosov automorphism A on T 3 . We show that the stable and unstable bundles of f are jointly integrable if and only if every periodic point of f admits the same center Lyapunov exponent with A. In particular, f is Anosov. This implies that every conservative partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism which is homotopic to an Anosov automorphism on T 3 is ergodic, which proves the Ergodic Conjecture proposed by Hertz-Hertz-Ures on T 3 . This is a joint work with Shaobo Gan. 1