From the Centro-Affine Minkowski Problem to the Logarithmic Minkowski Inequality

题目:From the Centro-Affine Minkowski Problem to the Logarithmic Minkowski Inequality

报告人:Prof. Alina Stancu (Concordia University Canada)

地点:致远楼 101 室

时间:2019 年 09 月25 日 10:00-11:00

摘要:We consider the logarithmic Minkowski inequality which is equivalent to several problems in convex geometric analysis and is still an open problem in dimension greater than 2. Among the problems equivalent to the logarithmic Minkowski inequality is the uniqueness of solutions to the logarithmic Minkowski problem. We present yet a new connection to a uniqueness of a Minkowski problem, namely if a given centro-affine Minkowski problem has unique solution (up to special linear group of transformations), then the corresponding logarithmic Minkowski inequality holds.
