Symplectic Fillings of Lens Spaces and Seifert Fibered Spaces

题目:Symplectic Fillings of Lens Spaces and Seifert Fibered Spaces

报告人:李友林 教授(上海交通大学)


时间:2020年7月4日 16:20-17:20


会议 ID:726 365 804

摘要:We apply Menke’s JSJ decomposition for symplectic fillings to several families of contact 3-manifolds. Among other results, we complete the classification up to diffeomorphism of strong symplectic fillings of lens spaces. We reduce the classification of the strong symplectic fillings of large families of Seifert fibered spaces to that of lens spaces. We show that fillings of contact manifolds obtained by Legendrian surgery on certain Legendrian knots are the result of attaching a symplectic 2-handle to a filling of a lens space. This is joint work with Austin Christian.
