On Topological Representation Theory from Quivers

题目:On Topological Representation Theory from Quivers

报告人:李方 教授(浙江大学)


时间:2020年12月11日 15:00-16:00


In this work, we introduce {\em topological representations of a quiver} as a system consisting of topological spaces and its relationships determined by the quiver. Such a setting gives a natural connection between topological representations of a quiver and diagrams of topological spaces.

First, we investigate the relation between the category of topological representations and that of linear representations of a quiver via $P(\Gamma)$-$\mathcal{TOP}^o$ and $k\Gamma$-Mod, concerning (positively) graded or vertex (positively) graded modules. Second, we discuss the homological theory of topological representations of quivers via $\Gamma$-limit $Lim^{\Gamma}$ and using it, define the homology groups of topological representations of quivers via $H_n$. It is found that some properties of a quiver can be read from homology groups. Third, we investigate the homotopy theory of topological representations of quivers. We define the homotopy equivalence between two morphisms in $\textbf{Top}\mathrm{-}\textbf{Rep}\Gamma$ and show that the parallel Homotopy Axiom also holds for top-representations based on the homotopy equivalence. Last, we mainly obtain the functor $At^{\Gamma}$ from $\textbf{Top}\mathrm{-}\textbf{Rep}\Gamma$ to $\textbf{Top}$ and show that $At^{\Gamma}$ preserves homotopy equivalence between morphisms. The relationship is established between the homotopy groups of a top-representation $(T,f)$ and the homotopy groups of $At^{\Gamma}(T,f)$.
