The Steganography Technology Based on Linear Codes

题目:The Steganography Technology Based on Linear Codes

报告人:廖群英 教授(四川师范大学)


时间:2020年12月20日 10:00-11:00

摘要:Data hiding or steganography in image is a scheme of hiding the secret message into the cover image. It can be used to transmit the secret data by the cover image or embed important information such as copyright information, authentication information or management information in the cover images. The quality of stego-image is the main object of the applications in copyright protection and the image authentication. The method to improve the quality is to enhance the embedding efficiency. In order to achieve a higher embedding capacity and embedding efficiency, matrix embedding have been proposed using linear block code. This talk introduces the basic theory of the matrix embedding method, and then gives a fast matrix embedding steganography based on the Golay code, which has high embedding efficiency and considerable payload. The experiment and the analysis results show that this scheme has excellent security performance.
