Z_2-Graded Cyclic (Dihedral) Homology Groups and Lie Superalgebras

题目:Z_2-Graded Cyclic (Dihedral) Homology Groups and Lie Superalgebras

报告人:汪永杰 博士 (合肥工业大学)


时间:2021年4月20日 13:00-14:00

摘要:I plan to review the connection between central extension of sln(A) coordinated by a unital associative algebra A and the cyclic homology of A due to Kassel and Loday. Then, I am going to present its generalization in unitary Lie algebras obtained by Y. Gao and its further generalizations in Lie superalgebra cases, including the H. Chen and J. Sun’s work on slm|n(A) and my joint work with Z. Chang on ortho-symplectic, periplectic and queer Lie superalgebras. 地点:https://meeting.tencent.com/s/97aJttidxMtA

会议ID:777 771 669
