Rigidity of Discrete Conformal Structures on Two- and Three-Dimensional Manifolds

题目:Rigidity of Discrete Conformal Structures on Two- and Three-Dimensional Manifolds

报告人:徐旭 副教授 (武汉大学) 


时间:2021年9月2日 8:00-9:00

摘要: Discrete conformal structure is a discrete analogue of the smooth conformal structure on manifolds. There are different types of discrete conformal structures that have been extensively studied in the history, including the tangential circle packing, Thurston's circle packing, inversive distance circle packing and vertex scaling on surfaces, sphere packing and Thurston's sphere packing on 3-dimensional manifolds. In this talk, we will discuss some recent progresses on the rigidity of discrete conformal structures on two- and three-dimensional manifolds, including Glickenstein’s conjecture on the rigidity of discrete conformal structures on surfaces and Cooper-Rivin’s conjecture on the rigidity of sphere packings on three dimensional manifolds.


会议 ID:767 357 912

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