Inverse Mean Curvature Flow for Space-Like Graphic Hypersurfaces with Boundary in Lorentz-Minkowski Space R_1^(n+1)

题目:Inverse Mean Curvature Flow for Space-Like Graphic Hypersurfaces with Boundary in Lorentz-Minkowski Space R_1^(n+1)

报告人:毛井 教授(湖北大学) 


时间:2021年7月6日 10:00-11:00

摘要:In this talk, we introduce the evolution of space-like graphic hypersurfaces defined over a convex piece of hyperbolic plane〖 H〗^n (1), of center at origin and radius 1, in the (n+1)-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski space R_1^(n+1)  along the inverse mean curvature flow with the vanishing Neumann boundary condition, and show that this flow exists for all the time. 

Moreover, we can also show that, after suitable rescaling, the evolving space-like graphic hypersurfaces converge smoothly to a piece of hyperbolic plane of center at origin and prescribed radius, which actually corresponds to a constant function defined over the piece of H^n (1), as time tends to infinity. This talk is based on a joint work with Dr. Ya Gao.

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